Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Back Into the Woods

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2008!

The old layers of snow have finally refrozen enough that we could walk in the woods again. Today we made our way down to the pond in the rut made by previous walkers, though Beyla was all too happy to walk on top of the snow now that she can. The wet snow last night stuck to the trees and left them all covered in white. It's a beatuful sight and one we've been treated to a few times already this year. I'm so glad winter has finally decided to put in a solid effort this year. This is part of what living in New England is all about.

With the changing winter, so changes the traffic in our woods. With some decent snow cover and frozen water out have come the snowmobiles. There were plenty of fresh tracks running across Duck Pond, with a couple of turnarounds on the shore. Of course, being conservation land, they're not really supposed to be turning there, but there's so much snow down now that they'll never leave a trace come spring so I personally don't mind all that much, so long as they don't come bombing down the trail recklessly.

And so, once again, Beyla and I patrol our woodland sanctuary walking amongst a beautiful covering of snow.


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