Thursday, August 30, 2007

The forest is a different place in the early hours of the day. No, that's not a real shock, but it's something that stood out in my mind this morning.

I wanted no part in waking up this morning. It wasn't a mental decision so much as a physical one. My body just didn't want to move. But then in comes that furry face. It starts with "the look". The dog owners out there will know what I mean. It's that all-expressive look they get that conveys several messages at once. In this case I guess a mix of "HI!" "Good morning." "Are you getting up now?" "will you play with me?" "Are we going for our walk now?" and the ever-present, "What are the chances I can convince you Kari neglected to feed me this morning?". Of course she DID feed her, but any good dog will try to scam an extra bowl of food whenever they can. :)

Lastly, comes the licking of the face. Anybody else would draw only vile sounds and curses from me, but I can't get mad at Beyla. She's too damn cute. It must be a dog thing. I'd never tolerate such behavior from a human, not even Kari. LOL! Ok, maybe from Kari. But nobody else!

And so begins another day. Up, clean, coffee in hand, and off we go. I've no need to guide her now, she knows exactly where we're going. And today's a big day in the dog world. LOTS of new things to smell. Yesterday must have been a busy day in the world of dogs. I just wish I knew what it all meant. But alas, those are the secrets known only to dogs. Perhaps it's best that way.

While my esteemed colleague goes about her daily rounds I slip into my soon-to-be-habitual mode of listening to and looking at the woods around us. As I said, it struck me today in particular how different everything is at this hour. I'm not a morning person. No doubt this will draw nothing but laughter and sarcastic commentary from those that know me due to the sheer magnitude of this understatement!

Now, where was I? Oh yes, the woods being different. Being Mr. Sunshine anytime before noon, I'm used to being out in the woods during the afternoon and early evening. And though I've been in the woods in the morning on a few very rare occassions I never really noticed how alive it seems compared to the rest of the day. The first thing to strike me was the light, the way the suns streams through the trees. Apart from the obvious difference of it coming from the East not West as I'm used to, I couldn't help but feel like it's brighter, more vibrant somehow. The sunlight at 6:45am has an entriely different quality to it than in late afternoon when it's at the same height on the other horizon. I can't for the life of me imagine why, but it's nonetheless true in my eyes.

The second thing is the noticable presence of animals. It's as if the entire world is just waking up and getting ready for the day. Without straining I was picking up at least 8 different birds within earshot along with the scurrying of unseen wildlife on the ground. Then of course there's the perturbed "CRAWK!" of a Heron who just took flight, obviously quite put out by this intrusion on his morning deliberations.

And the best part of it is that it's all ours. It's just Beyla and I out there. Not another soul in sight, not even another person to be heard. It's just me, my dog and a cup of coffee. And the world is all ours.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Just to get things rolling and set the mood, I'm bringing this post over from my Myspace blog. This was posted Monday, August 27th, describing our first morning. It's a fitting beginning to this new project I think.


Well, this morning began the new morning routine. Up at 6:30 instead of my more typical 7:00-7:15ish (7:30 if I'm really not into this waking up thing, which I often am not), get my coffee, grab the leash and walk the dog. I was dreading it at first, but you know what? I think I could get used to this.

6:50am. There I am walking in the woods, coffee in hand, dog by my side or a little bit ahead depending on what she smells. I got part way down the trail and thought, "damn, this isn't a bad way to start my day really. In fact, this is pretty damn good!" We walked down to the pond, Beyla sniffed around and did her thing while I just walked enjoying the cool morning air and drinking my freshly ground and brewed Ethiopian Mocha Harrar.

Got home again at 7:20, geared up and hopped on Talon wide awake for a nicely alert ride in to work. Damn fine day all around if you ask me!

This was Beyla's first work day with us though, and she did very well. She's used to being crated, but I'm not a big fan of it myself. I bear no judgement toward those that opt to crate their dog, it's just not what I prefer to do with my dog. She has a crate, but the door is open. It's more of a doghouse for her than anything. But we have a baby/dog gate at the top of the stairs and she has the run of the downstairs livingroom. She was fine by herself all day, but Kari said she went nuts when she came home. That's one of the great things about dogs, isn't it? They're always so happy to see you!

After a few early mornings in in the woods with our new dog, I've been inspired to start a new blog dedicated solely to my experiences with our new furry kid, Beyla.

This blog is actually a remnant of my very first attempt at having a "website" a long time ago. As you can see below, it never got far. Therefore I've resurrected it for a new purpose rather than starting yet another account.

For the moment this is really more of an experiment. I'm not sure wether this will stick or not. But for now it's just a place to put my thoughts, ponderings, and observations that come to me during our morning walks. I've found an unexpectedly different perspective the last few days and would like to explore it more while generally talking about my dog and how great she is. :)

And so I give you Mornings with Beyla.

Come on kid. Let's go for a walk! :)