Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Ahhhh! The woods are really coming to life now. All the trees have leaves on them now. They're small, but green is now the dominant color scheme. As the leaves fill out the filtering of the sunlight is changing. The effect is really quite wonderful. I love spring.

Beyla is having her own brand of fun with the nice weather. There are lots of fun things running around in the leaves. She loves to chase bugs lkike a cat. It's pretty funny to watch actually. She even pounces and paws at them like a cat. :D

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Air Is Sweet

While making our morning rounds we came across the most unusual scent in the air. It was a sweet, faintly spicy smell I can only describe as being akin to cinnamon and brown sugar, but less intense. I couldn't locate the source but it smelled great.

I love those little surprises Nature throws at you from time to time. :)