Sunday, December 14, 2008

Have you ever walked with the dog in the pale moonlight?

I present to you a special evening edition of Mornings with Beyla and Zephyr.

Last night we got in from a Christmas party and the girls were wired. It was after 12:30am but it was a clear moonlit night so I decided to talk them out since I wasn't ready to go to bed yet anyway. Walking at night for us isn't unusual. In fact, it used to be a nightly occurance but I've been a slacker lately about that evening walks. I really need to get back in gear with that.

Anyway, 12:45am, we head out for a walk in the woods. I must say that walking in the woods of New England on a winter night under a full moon (or very nearly full) is really quite amazing. There we were walking toward the pond with only the moon to light our way. I had a flashlight, but with no leaves and the brilliant moon I didn't need it most of the time. Here's a picture I took while we were out there.

I can only describe the woods under such conditions as being sort of etherial. In the moonlight the world surrenders it's color and takes on shades of grey. It doesn't quite feel real, doesn't quite have the substance it normally does. I don't mean this in a bad way though. It was actually quite cool. So much so, I think we'll go back out tonight. Though perhaps not so late.