Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Not By The Hair of My Chinny-chin-chin

It was a strange feeling this morning to feel the cold air on my chin. But I lopped off the beard entirely and am now clean shaven for the first time in nearly 8 years. Beyla on the other hand is as furry as ever and rather prefers not to shave ever. This seems a reasonable position for a dog to take so I'll not argue with her on that.

Yesterday's warm weather seems to have woken up the birds. This morning I coud hear Chickadees, Woodpeckers, Crows, Blue Jays, and even a few Mourning Doves which I haven't heard in some time. There were also 5-6 others whose calls I couldn't readily identify. I really need to work on that.

Beyla made her usual stops and opted for most of the walk to take the high road, so to speak, and walk on top of the snow banks. Well, what's left of them anyway. A lot melted yesterday. Sunday the driveway was solid ice. Today it's almost entirely dirt again. I think we both appreciated the increased traction. Though sliding down the driveway uncontrolably is highly underrated. I suggest you all try it at least once in your life. :)

Soon enough the snow will have all melted and the forest will be ours fully once again. Walking in the snow is all fine and good, but it can be tiring. I miss the long leisurely strolls along the trails. It'll be good to get back to it in another month or so.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Red Dawn
As we set out this morning the sky above the trees was on fire in shades of red and purple. Within 5 minutes the show in the sky was gone as quickly as we'd noticed it and had faded to the usual dull morning blue.
It's times like this I feel like my human senses still have some small advantage over the heightened senses of my esteemed colleague. It's hard to appreciate such a stunning sky when you're colorblind with your nose to the ground. :)