Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rainy Days

Great day for ducks, as the saying goes, but not so much for dogs. Beyla wants no part of going out in this stuff and I can't say I blame her. Though she does rather enjoy toweling off afterward. nothing like a full body rubdown to make a dog happy. LOL!

Anyway, the last couple days it's just been out in the back yard to take care of business and back in. No sense making her get soaked to the bone if she doesn't want to be out in the rain.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

And we're back!

Well, it's been a while. Between dog sitting, vacation and life in general this blog has fallen behind. I've been a slacker. Well, that and I hadn't walked my own dog in nearly 3 weeks between late March and early April. But now I'm back and our morning walks are in full swing. Actually they have been for 2 weeks, but as I said, I've been a slacker.

Since the last post the world is utterly transformed. The weather has gone from chilly and snowy to t-shirts and long walks in the woods. The woods have come alive with a symphony of happy birds chirping away. So much so I can't even count them all anymore. And with the trails being clear, our walks have delved back into the wooded depths for longer periods. All in all life is good! :D

As yet, we're stil unable to walk around the pond though as the water level has the pallets through the marshy section floating at the moment. LOL! So that route will probably be the domain of those on the other side for a few more weeks. But we still have our side of the pond and the entire forest road to ourselves.

And with that, we're back on track. Long walks, coffee in hand, and my trusty sidekick on our merry way into the woods.