Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Back to Normal

We're finally back to our morning routine. It seems like forever since Beyla and I made our daily rounds, but after a few oversleeping mishaps on my part all is back to normal.

In hand today, a steaming cup of the crudely named, aptly famed Three Peckered Billy Goat. A fine brew guaranteed to start your day off right. :)

Beyla was nosing the gate as we went out, I think she was raring to go. A lot's changed in the 2 weeks we were off. It's markedly colder now. So much so I donned a jacket. And weird light this morning. The sky was a dull, faintly bluish grey and the moon was still clearly visible overhead. Just a hint of orange-red at the tops of the trees across the swamp.

I'm not sure if it was the pre-sunrise light or the cold, but the woods were nearly silent this morning broken only byt he occassional Bluejay or Chickadee. Sounds like everybody else has packed up and headed south. Even our cranky Heron has departed it seems. But still a nice brisk morning walk was had and that's all that matters.

Anyway, I'm off tomorrow to get ready for the big Halloween haunt so we'll get out later than normal. It'll be more like weekend hours. This weekend it's off to Maine again with Ripley, Gus, and Lexi too! It'll be a grand time for all no doubt. Hopefully Boo and I can get in another circle island tour this trip.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Gus and Ripley will be going home in a coupe of hours. I'm sure Beyla will miss having them to play with. I'm sure they will be glad to be left alone for more than 5 minutes. And tomorrow morning Beyla and I can get back to our regular morning walks. I miss those.

Here's hoping my coffee shipment arrives today! :O

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Given the impracticality of walking 3 dogs at once in the morning, they've just been going out in the yard in the morning while I get ready for work. This seems to be working out well for now. But it doesn't do a lot for inspriation or observation of the world around me in the morning. :)
Hopefully we'll be back to our normal morning routine on the 25th after Beyla's new friends have gone home.

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Trouble With Triples

Today we have with us special guests, Gus and Ripley. They're staying with us for a couple of weeks while their parents are in Montana.

This morning I learned that walking 3 dogs is not a simple task. Especially when 2 keep walking over their leashes and the other alternates between wrapping my legs in her leash and trying to turn around and go home prematurely. But they're city dogs so I'm sure the forest is a bit overwhelming for them. Well, for Ripley anyway. Gus doesn't care about much as long as there are cookies to be had.

So off we go, 3 dogs in one hand (thankfully they aren't prone to pulling), hot cup of Espresso Chocolón in the other. I will NOT sacrifice for brew. LOL! It wasn't easy, nor was it quick (3 dogs each stopping to smell stuff is never a quick process) but we got done what we needed to do. This morning we didn't see full, streaming sunlight until almost 7:25. I think come winter these morning walks are going to require a flashlight. I think for the remainder of their stay it'll be out in the back yard for the lot of them then walking at night when Kari can take one of them and we're less pressed for time.

Always an adventure where dogs are concerned. It keeps you on your toes. :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

This thing doesn't allow me to title my posts so I'm doing it myself whenever I feel the want/need. So there! :p

New Faces

(Today's brew: Espresso Chocolón)

As Beyla and I venture into the morning woods every day I've gotten rather used to having the woods largely to ourselves. The only notable exception being running into Nikko and his dad (I haven't a clue what his name is, I should probably introduce myself sometime, huh?) on Thursday mornings. Not every Thursday, but always on Thursday. Yet the past 2 mornings I've met 2 new neighbors and their dogs. One of them 2 days in a row now.

Yesterday and again this morning it was this lady and her dog Milo. Again, really hould think to introduce myself properly. I'm such a horrible neighbor! And not 2 minutes after saying hi to Milo along comes a white dog wqith his owner, Charlie I believe it was (no, I haven't learned. He introduced himself first. :D ). This time never caught the dog's name. LOL! But it seems White Dog and Charlie are also not used to seeing others in the woods at this hour. And they're also new to the neighborhood. Are we still new after 6 months? Well, since we haven't been home much and haven't met more than a small handful of neighbors I'll go with yes, we're still new.

There you have it. This week new faces in the woods abound! Who knew?

Monday, October 08, 2007

The Continuing Adventures of... Soggy Dog and Coffee Man!

I felt like this needed a grand entrance, I'm not sure why though.

I felt a bit like a postal worker this morning. You know the saying, ""Neither rain nor snow nor sleet will keep us from our appointed rounds." That was us today. Put on the raincoat, grabbed the ever-present cup of coffee and off we went. Deadman's Reach was today's brew of choice, the wonderful elixir of life that it is.

Needless to say the forest was very wet. The trees sheltered us a bit until the rain really got going, but we remained undeterred and steadfast in our cause. Not a sound to be heard in the trees except for the dripping of water from the sky and from leaves above no longer able to hold their payload.

Beyla's exuberance over her marrow bone this morning left me a muddy pawprint to remember the morning by. Too bad I didn't notice it until I got to work. LOL!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Up and out a little late this morning. Today's brew of choice is a lovely elixir called Dead Man's Reach ("Served in bed, raises the dead") :) Good stuff to get you going in the morning.

After the jacket weather lately in the morning we're back to warm, humid mornings. Gotta love New England weather. It keeps you guessing! But the morning rewarded us for bravely forging onward with our friendly neighborhood heron in flight on his way across the pond, going away from us. He disappeared around the point off to the southwest of our usual vantage point. Also this morning at the pond, a bird I've never seen before! According to my research he appeared to be a Downy Woodpecker. I love seeing new birds. I'll have to remember to check him off in my bird book.

Not much else to report today, but our new little friend was worth the post alone. :)

A misty, foggy morning in Grotontown today. Nonetheless, Beyla was ready to go this morning. She trotted right ovver to the door once I had my coffee cup in hand, a sure sign it's time to go for our walk. She usually just kinda makes her way to the door, but today she was there before I got out of the kitchen though once we got going she wasn't any more... um... urgent than usual. Who knows? I guess she just wanted to go outside. :)

The air was wet this morning. There's no other way to describe it really. Any more moisture in the air and it woud have been raining. As we walked I could feel the mist on my face, just a bit too fine to even be drizzle, it just sort of hung there in the air. Everything around want moist but not fully wet and the leaves on the trees were dripping from all the moisture gathering on them making the woods sound like a light rain was falling even though it wasn't. That's good because we weren't dressed for rain anyway.