Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Signs of Life

It's seems the heat from the weekend has woken up the forest. Everywhere I looked this morning, buds on the trees are starting to open. Some of the flowering trees are already blooming nicely. The forest is waking up from it's winter rest. I think by the weekend the woods will have taken on a decidedly green hue.

It's good to be back. :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Back in gear?

After dealing with some sleep issues I was up and alert at 6:30 this morning. After making the usual pot o' coffee, I rallied the mutts and got out in the woods for the first time in ages!

We couldn't have had a beter morning for it either. It had rained all night and early this morning, but the sun was out by 7:00am when we stepped out the door. The forest had that marvelous post-rain smell I love so much and the sun gleaming off the wet trees made for a nice effect. Beyla and Zephyr of course paid no real attention to the visual, preferring to focus on the canine world of scent and spent most of the walk with noses to the ground.

With a bit of luck my sleep problems are behind me now and I can get back to my morning routine with my girls. :)